北市聯醫忠孝院區獲頒_ 2016 FIP世界藥學會- Hon...
◎文/台北市聯合醫院忠孝院區 楊瑛碧主任
2016 世界藥學會於阿根廷Buenos Aires舉行,分享北市聯醫忠孝院區「Th...
課程訊息: 7/27 FIP HPS Webinar: An...
FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section Webinar
演講題目: Antimicrobial Use ...
[:en]The Winners of 2018 Taiwa...
1st Place: Medicinal Remedies Reacquainted by Chi Mei Hospital, ...
FIP Opening Ceremony-2020
FIP Opening Ceremony
台灣時間 2020/09/13 21:30 - 23:00舉辦的FIP開幕典禮順利為...
Fwd: WHO Executive Board meeti...
Dear Colleague,
The 154th session of the World Health Organizat...
Webinar: Understanding the Glo...
主題:Understanding the Global Pharmacy Supply Chain for Hospital P...