台灣及新光醫院防疫工作成果登上世界藥學會醫院藥學電子報(FIP HPS enewsletter)
Taiwan can help !
The FIP COVID-19 Information Hub offers several documents including:
- COVID-19 transmission and incubation
- Clinical information and treatment guidelines
- Patient isolation and referral
- Cleaning and disinfection management
- Use of masks
- Guidelines for pharmacists and the pharmacy workforce
- Pharmacy operations and facilities: ensuring safety for all and continuity of service
- Frequently asked questions and myth busting
Each document is available in several languages including Albanian, Chinese, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Turkish. FIP is collaborating with its member organisations and other partners to make this guidance available in different languages, for maximal dissemination and use.
Additionally, FIP has taken several public policy positions including:
- FIP call to action to support pharmacists and pharmacy workers on the coronavirus/COVID-19 frontline
- FIP position statement on the association between the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (including ibuprofen), ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and corticosteroids, and an increased risk of coronavirus/COVID-19 infection or disease severity
- WHPA calls for immediate G20 action to secure personal protective equipment for health personnel
The WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic site offers:
- Public advice
- Country and technical guidance
- Travel advice
- Situation reports (posted daily)
- Media resources
- Research and development
- Strategies, plans and operations
- Mythbusters
The WHO also maintains a dashboard showing the number of confirmed cases and deaths over time, including regional and national features.
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) maintains a COVID-19 Resource Center which offers many valuable resources including evidence tables, medical supply survey results, podcasts, webinars, and open access to the ASHP Handbook on Injectable Drugs.
Associação de Farmacêuticos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa
The Associação de Farmacêuticos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (AFPLP) has posted resources and information in Portuguese related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) maintains a COVID-19 Resource Center with an impressive compilation of resources from around the world. The content ranges from information provided by specialised agencies to information shared by governments and professional societies in different countries. It is helpful for hospital pharmacists and other healthcare professionals alike.
Ordem dos Farmacêuticos
The Ordem dos Farmacêuticos has posted several resources on their website including a Contingency Plan for Hospital Pharmacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) maintains a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hub which offers valuable resources including clinical practice and medicines-related information, ethical decision-making guidance, end-of-life care resources, downloadable posters, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) maintains a COVID-19 Information Hub which offers many valuable resources including hospital pharmacy capacity snapshots, preparation checklists, a relief register, training for hospital pharmacy practice, and training for ICU upskilling.
Syndicat National des Pharmaciens Praticiens Hospitaliers et Praticiens Hospitaliers Universitaires
The Syndicat National des Pharmaciens Praticiens Hospitaliers et Praticiens Hospitaliers Universitaires (SNPHPU) has posted resources and information in French related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Central South University
In Wuhan, China, 16 cabin hospitals were built to admit patients with confirmed coronavirus infection (COVID-19), where mild cases were quarantined and treated. This paper describes the pharmacy services at each cabin hospital. Another paper reviews the unique needs of pharmacy services in the COVID-19 pandemic, and shares experiences with the response to those needs.
Peking University
The need for pharmaceutical care services in COVID-19 hospitalized patients during the pandemic was quite distinguished from the past. In this paper, staff from Peking University outline hospital pharmacist roles in providing pharmaceutical care for hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Another paper discusses how the work strategies of clinical pharmacists must be modified according to the rapid spread of the disease, where information and resources are usually unavailable to guide them.
Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital
As of 21 April 2020, more than 2.4 million Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been confirmed and 170,000 deaths recorded globally. According to the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Taiwan currently has a cumulative total of 422 cases and 6 deaths. In the face of this pandemic, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei, Taiwan, has worked fearlessly and effectively to establish several protocols and guidelines to treat either probable or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
Internal Medicine (MICU) Clinical Pharmacist, Nai-Hwa Mei and Surgical (SICU) Clinical Pharmacist, Shun Yu Hsu gear up for the COVID-19 fight.