Dear Colleague,

Don’t forget to register for the virtual launch of the “FIP digital health in pharmacy education: Developing a digitally enabled pharmaceutical workforce” report on 27 January 2020 at 15.00–17.00 CET. 

You can register for the event and learn about the programme here. Please share this invitation across your network!

The “FIP digital health in pharmacy education” report describes the readiness, adaptability and responsiveness of pharmacy education to train the current and future pharmaceutical workforce on digital health as well as to fill the knowledge and skills gaps of the pharmaceutical workforce to respond to the technological transformation.

This first-of-its-kind report presents findings from the “FIP digital health in pharmacy education” survey, which was completed by more than a thousand academics, practitioners, and students from 91 countries. The report describes education initiatives on digital health from pharmacy schools around the world.

The findings and “way forward” areas of the report can be used as an evidence base to integrate digital health into pharmacy education and equip the pharmaceutical workforce with requisite digital health knowledge and skills.

FIP’s officers and colleagues from diverse pharmacy backgrounds who co-created the survey and compiled the report, as well as members of the FIP Technology Forum, the FIP Young Pharmacists Group and the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation, will present key messages at the launch. FIP leaders will join a panel to identify a roadmap to address “way forward” areas and participants will have the opportunity to experience a live digital health education simulation.

We are looking forward to “seeing” you at the launch. 

Thank you for your support to global pharmacy education in shaping the digital health transformation!

Mr Dominique Jordan
President, FIP

Prof. Ralph J. Altiere 
Chair, FIP Education

 Mrs Jacqueline Surugue, FFIP
Vice President, FIP and Chair, FIP Technology Forum

Prof. Aukje Mantel-Teeuwisse 
Chair, FIP digital health in pharmacy education report



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