This is a special edition newsletter to call for nominations for the FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section Executive Committee. At this time, we are seeking nominations for Assistant Secretary with terms of office from 2021 to 2024. This call is to fill the vacancy of the current Assistant Secretary for the reminader of the term (ends in 2024).

The sections of the HPS Statutes related to filling vacancies, instructions on nominating candidates and additional information about the duties of each office are provided below for your reference.

Self-nomination is encouraged.

All nominations will be reviewed by the HPS Nominations Committee. All nominations should be sent by 30th September, 2021 by e-mail to Rebekah Moles at

Description of the Section Executive Committee

As noted in the HPS Statutes, the HPS Executive Committee includes the Section President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past-President, Assistant Secretary and Vice-Presidents (substantially linked with WHO Regions).  The Vice Presidents at this time represent the following 7 regions: Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Japan, South East Asia and Western Pacific.  A list of the current officers is available




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