Congress Highlights

Congress abstract submission and registration deadlines postponed

Taking the current COVID-19 situation in the world into account, we have extended the deadline for submitting abstracts and the first registration deadline for the FIP World Congress in Seville, Spain. The new deadline to submit your abstract is 15 May 2020 and the new early registration deadline is 10 July 2020. Stay updated by checking the most recent information on our website

Get more information about the abstract topics here and submit your abstract.

World Pharmacy News

General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain debunks COVID-19 hoaxes

A questions and answers document about COVID-19 has been released by the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, last month. This new tool makes available rigorous information about the coronavirus from official sources for pharmacists and the general public in order to fight against the current health emergency. It will help to solve any doubts about the coronavirus that arise among the general population and pharmaceutical professionals. In addition, the document debunks rumours and hoaxes about this infection that have appeared during recent weeks. The Council has also released un updated protocol for pharmacies with the latest Ministry of Health recommendations. More

Australian research provides hope for COVID-19 vaccine

A vaccine against COVID-19 may have moved a step closer since Australian researchers were able to map the immune responses from one of the country’s first coronavirus patients. According to the researchers at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, this is an important step in understanding the virus and why some patients recover and others go on to develop more serious disease. Health minister Greg Hunt said the “world-leading” development was about “tracking a vaccine by identifying which candidates were likely to be successful” and “fast-tracking potential therapies and treatments” for coronavirus patients. More

New studies for better prostate cancer detection and monitoring published

Research on a urine test to detect early-stage prostate cancer led by the University of East Anglia, UK, and a blood test that may detect the beginning of metastasis by University College London, UK, was published last month. Both studies are still in developmental research stages and further trialling is needed before they come close to clinical deployment. However, if validated in large cohorts, they could be incorporated into real-world environments within five to ten years. More

Upcoming FIP webinars

The role of mass vaccination campaigns in controlling disease outbreaks

FIP’s Military and Emergency Pharmacy Section is hosting a webinar on the topic of “Mass vaccination campaigns”. The webinar will review the role of pharmacists using a case study of a yellow fever mass vaccination campaign. At the end of this webinar participants will be able to identify and understand the role of pharmacists and mass vaccination campaigns in controlling disease outbreaks. The webinar will take place on 23 April 2020 at 10:00 CEST. Register here.

Did you know?

The Triana neighbourhood is the heart and soul of Seville

Old shops, modern businesses, traditional bars and trendsetting places are harmoniously situated in the streets of Triana. This neighbourhood is one of the 11 districts of Seville. It is located on one side of the Guadalquivir river, opposite the historic centre. The best way to discover Triana is to get lost in its streets. Walk with no particular destination in mind and discover its authentic corners. Make sure to visit the market of Triana, located right in front of the Puente de Triana. The market offers all kinds of food, beverages and flowers. The pottery in Triana’s ceramics centre is another popular attraction. Once an old pottery factory, this museum and educational centre exhibits pottery’s role in Triana’s past and highlights the importance of this craft for the neighbourhood.




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